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Surprising Facts about Teeth Whitening

Have you ever been amazed by someone’s pearly white teeth and thought, wow? You will be so surprised if you know it is easier than you think to have your own set of bright teeth. Teeth whitening procedure is the simplest cosmetic dentistry option to whiten your discolored teeth.

This unique process provides a wide range of whitening options, including take-home and in-office treatment. Based on a dedicated and professional dentist at Smile Point Dental, teeth whitening generally contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, and can whiten your teeth sooner than your expectations. It should be noted that before starting to change your smile into a Hollywood smile, there is some vital point you need to know about teeth whitening. Some top tips are listed in this article. Here’s everything you need:

How Do I Know I am a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening Procedure?

Visiting your professional dentists is essential before undertaking any teeth whitening options. They will examine your mouth carefully to determine if your gum and teeth are healthy since the special substances used to whiten your teeth are pretty powerful, so your dentists should make sure that your teeth are strong enough to handle the procedure properly. If these strong materials apply to the decayed and weak teeth, you may face irreversible damage that requires costly treatments. In most cases, holes in your teeth or around old filling are not visible, and just professional dentists can diagnose them.

Is It Possible to Whiten Fillings, Veneers, or Crowns?

Generally, teeth whitening treatments can whiten your natural teeth, so fillings, veneers, and crowns cannot be whitened by this treatment. Your experienced and dedicated dentists will recommend several other procedures to make your veneers, fillings, and crowns as bright as before at the end of your treatments.

Is Professional Cleaning Needed Before Starting Teeth whitening Treatment? 

Absolutely yes! A professional cleaning that an experienced hygienist recommends is necessary to remove all the gunk and prepare your discolored teeth to receive successful results from teeth whitening treatment.

Does Teeth Whitening Cause Sensitivity?

Teeth sensitivity is a common drawback of whitening procedures, but there’s no reason to worry about it because the good news is that teeth sensitivity will disappear on its own as soon as the whitening process is over.

Which Type of Teeth Whitening Options Has the Most Effective Results?

Nowadays, all different types of teeth whitening options are commonly requested worldwide, but it should be noted that if you prefer to get the most effective results, the in-office option is the most appropriate choice for you. This successful option is performed in the office, so professional dentists are equipped with technical and advanced tools to create beautiful results. Also, the whitening materials used in offices are stronger than other options, so it takes less time to reach the desired expectations.

Can Teeth Whitening Treat Severe Teeth Discoloration?

As everyone knows, teeth discoloration may vary from yellowish-brown to dark brown. Teeth whitening treatments can function adequately to whiten yellowish teeth, but brown and dark brown teeth should be treated with other practical options provided by cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Finally, you should avoid having colorful food and drink. Besides, giving up smoking can be helpful in preventing teeth discoloration.


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