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          What is STO DEVELOPMENT

  • Security Tokens are digital securities such as assets that are used for trading in exchange of funds from the investors. The creation of these tokens is through the tokenization of solid assets. Security tokens need to be compliant with Legal securities and regulations of specific regions. Organizations that have just kick-started are inclining towards STO to build trust among the investors for their projects.
  • A security token offering (STO) / tokenized IPO is a type of public offering in which tokenized digital securities, known as security tokens, are sold in security token exchanges.
  • A security can be defined as a “fungible, negotiable financial instrument that holds some type of monetary value,” i.e., an investment product that is backed by a real-world asset such as a company or property.
  • A security token, therefore, represents the ownership information of the investment product, recorded on a blockchain. When you invest in traditional stocks, for example, ownership information is written on a document and issued as a digital certificate (e.g. a PDF). For STOs, it’s the same process, but recorded on a blockchain and issued as a token.
  • STOs can also be seen as a hybrid approach between cryptocurrency ICOs and the more traditional initial public offering (IPO) because of its overlap with both of these methods of investment fundraising.

         What are the advantages of an SECURITY TOKEN OFFERING                                                                                        DEVELOPMENT COMPANY

*We can look at it from both an ICO perspective as well as an IPO perspective.

  • Compared to an ICO, STOs are seen as lower risk because the securities laws that security tokens have to comply with often enforce transparency and accountability. A security token will also be backed by a real-world asset, which makes it a lot easier to assess whether or not the token is priced fairly in relation to the underlying asset. With pure utility tokens, it can be difficult to assess the true value of a token and whether or not it is priced fairly.
  • Compared to traditional IPOs, an STO is cheaper because of the removal of middlemen, such as banks and brokerages. Smart contracts reduce the reliance on lawyers, while the blockchain reduces the need for paperwork. This makes the whole process not only cheaper, but also faster.
  • Fractional ownership and the ability to trade 24/7 bring additional liquidity to the market, especially with traditionally illiquid assets, such as scarce paintings, property and collectibles.

Benefits Of STO Development;

There are massive perks available in developing a security token. They are,

  • Assets can be divided into smaller values
  • Larger Liquidity
  • Scam free due to SEC regulation
  • Lower transaction fee
  • Higher market efficiency

Crypto experts predict that STO will be the most popular fundraising method in the future because of its unique features. Launching a perfect security token will yield a huge return for your STO business. Security tokens have more potential to become the priority choice for many startups and crypto entrepreneurs. So it is preferred to create security tokens and you can trade them in crypto exchanges.

          Security Token Offering Services;

  1. Security Token Creation : After careful analysis of your business requirements and various aspects of your business, we deliver token solutions accordingly. Our tokens are created in compliance with the SEC Guidelines and the country’s regulations. We deliver three types of security tokens:
    1. Reserved-asset Tokens
    2. Debt Tokens
    3. Equity Token
  2. STO Whitepaper Development : Whitepapers are an important part of the development process. We provide you with crisp, relevant and extensively researched whitepaper services with a high level of authenticity to attract investors. This adds more reliability to your project.
  3. Token Issuance Portal : We provide STO portals where one can conduct token sales along with the investor’s dashboard. You can also manage the investor’s details, KYC/AML, and other fundraising details.
  4. STO Website Development : Our team of experts will develop a website, as well as landing pages exclusively for STO enabling the token sale and encourage investors to get started quickly.
  5. Multi-currency Funding : We support the investment with multiple currencies. Investors can buy tokens through fiat currencies such as Euro or US dollars or with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.
  6. KYC Verification : To be aware of any unauthorized access or transaction, we also provide you with the KYC “Know Your Customer” service.

    Superior STO Development Company:

  • We, Osiz technology, a superior STO development company in Madurai, ensure for the relevant business services to your business and provides high yield of output to your business.
  •  For this, we employ cutting-edge technology to make the tokens, their smart contracts and the wallets. We assure for the service that can reach your audience anywhere in the world. Besides, we help you to create a network with our marketing team that makes your project as heard, read and seen by every investor in this world. Altogether, we provide security token offering services that includes consulting, whitepaper drafting, website buiding as well as smart contracts.

Security Token Offering Development Company

A coherent roadmap to create a strategic plan navigates your security token development journey with Antier. We employ best approaches, practices and programs based on your business goals to help you extract business value from your idea. All essential aspects associated with STO, such as SEC regulations and smart contract development are diligently taken care of.

  • Essentially, the security tokens are trustworthy due to their compliance with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Also, they successfully accomplish the Howey test.  
  • At Oodles Blockchain, the team of blockchain and crypto developers excels in security token offering development.
  • The experts assess every minute need of the clients. They work smartly to expedite secure digital transactions for them.

CONCLUSION: Developing an STO is not really complicated if you followe all the important steps. At the beginning you should decide which features your STO should have. Then it is important to determine what kind of security token you want to develop. When you are clear about this, you can develop your STO. 

  • To do this, you need to decide what kind of security you want to digitise, do a legal check and then set up a organisation. Then you need to select a decentralised platform, do an audit, create a dashboard, perform the STO and list it on the coin exchange. If you follow all the steps, you will be able to create an STO.

Contact: +91 7985202681





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