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Infinite Chroma Revolutionizes the Beauty Industry with Makeup Artists in Mind

Hollywood, CA (September 25, 2023) – Infinite Chroma is set to launch a groundbreaking makeup kit this November 2023. Shattering traditional practices, the brand is partnering directly with professional makeup artists, side-stepping established companies and their conventional distribution channels.

The Traditional Way vs. Infinite Chroma’s Way

Traditionally, when a new makeup product hits the market, it goes through a manufacturer, a distributor, and finally, a retailer. Usually, one large entity oversees the first two stages and keeps the lion’s share of the profits. Infinite Chroma is disrupting this standard by adopting a different approach, benefitting makeup artists in a big way.

Empowering Makeup Artists Directly

Instead of allocating large sums for marketing and advertising campaigns, Infinite Chroma is channeling those funds to the makeup artists who promote their products. This novel strategy ensures artists earn substantially more than they would under the conventional system, providing a fresh opportunity for them.

A Response to Industry Trends

With the rise of online shopping and direct-to-customer sales, Infinite Chroma has seized an opportunity. The brand negotiated directly with professional makeup artists, signaling, “We have something unique, and we think you’re the right people to help us promote it.”

Two Years in Development

Sources report that Infinite Chroma has spent over two years meticulously developing this makeup kit. They were initially in talks with some of the larger names in the industry but found those companies more focused on marketing than on profit-sharing with artists. As a result, Infinite Chroma broke away, quietly finalizing deals with professional makeup artists to bring this vision to life.

A Lesson in Adaptability
Infinite Chroma’s bold strategy suggests that, in the fast-changing landscape of the beauty industry, flexibility and direct professional engagement could be the new keys to success.

Media Contact:
Anastasia Andreani
9440 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 1-800-951-0795


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