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7 most crucial general physical skills required to be good in CrossFit

Most of the athletes worldwide who practice CrossFit say that it has helped them to become fitter, giving countless moments of joy, making them feel like they are real achievers in life.

But if you really want to know what is going on inside your body, the feelings that you will get from practicing CrossFit will not be enough. You would need proof that you have become fitter, proof that you have achieved something that you weren’t able to achieve before. You will be very much capable of doing that by improving your 7 most crucial general physical skills.

For a long time, fitness has been an abstract concept. The real question is “how will you be able to measure increase in fitness levels if you can’t quantify them?” Before taking any fitness classes, you should know about the 7 most important general physical skills. If you want to do great in CrossFit, then you need to be proficient in them. To get more information about mma Englewood CO, personal training Denver CO, jiujitsu Littleton CO click on the links.

You need to practice and train in each and every of these skills given below.


Do lower reps, high sets of heavyweights of compound movements as you work on it like 6 times 3 back squats at 85% of IRM.

Respiratory/cardiovascular endurance

In order to work on cardiovascular respiratory endurance, you need to do extended aerobic exercises at a moderate intensity like 30 minutes run at 80% of sprint speed.


To be a champion in any kind of sport, flexibility matters a lot and to work on it, start spending time stretching at the maximum of your mobility at a given articulation. A suggestion here would be holding the bottom position of your air squat and try to keep a good squatting form while you do so.


To improve your stamina, you should do aerobic exercises at varying intensities. For an instance, during a run, first sprint 100 m then jog 200 m, then sprint 200 m and jog 300 m etc, like this you go on. A noted BJJ and fitness center in Colorado comes with efficient personal trainers. Such trainers with the help of smooth personal training help you achieve all your fitness goals with ease!


Watching your speed is essential to be good. For this you perform movements as fast as possible, like intervals at 100 m sprint.


During heavy intensity exercises, be explosive to work on your power. You can do some high box jumps.


To improve your coordination skills, learn and practice new sequences, movements. Try to engage yourself in different exercises once a week.

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