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What is Cloud Identity & Access Management?

Implementing cloud Identity Access Management (IAM) helps enterprises improve accessibility and security. With an IAM solution, companies can more easily handle the needs of an evolving IT landscape while reducing overhead. 

 What Is Cloud Identity Access Management? 

Identity Access Management (IAM) provides a framework that allows users to connect to applications. IAM acts as a database for user records. Often these are cloud-based services that sit outside of your network. When a user tries to gain access, the application will check with the identity provider first to authenticate. 

Cloud Identity Manager and Governance

SecurEnds’ Cloud IAM product enables Identity Access and Lifecycle Management for Provisioning and De-Provisioning of user access in AWS, Azure and GCP cloud platforms. The product manages Cloud Governance to meet security and audit compliance. It manages Cloud user permissions for employees, partners, customers and access approval management.

Identity Governance enforces the access life cycle management process directly from granting access and periodically reviewing access privileges. Additionally, it works to revoke access privileges when a user is terminated. The process enables a centralized system where you have the ability to manage the workflow of user access privileges and entitlements, all in a single place for internal governance, auditing and for an external audit to review the user access controls.

How Cloud Identity Access Management Works 

The Identity Provider sends a series of messages to authenticate. These include: 

  • An authentication assertion that shows the requesting user or device is who or what it claims to be. 
  • An attribution assertion that passes along relevant data when a connection request is made. 
  • An authorization assertion that documents whether the user or requesting device was granted access to the online resource or not. 

These assertions are XML or JSON documents that contain all the necessary information to verify users to a service provider. 

SecurEnds Cloud IAM product enables Identity Access and Lifecycle Management for Provisioning and De-Provisioning of user access in AWS, Azure and GCP cloud platforms. The product manages Cloud Governance to meet security and audit compliance. It manages Cloud user permissions for employees, partners, customers and access approval management. 

Identity Governance enforces the access life cycle management process directly from granting access and periodically reviewing access privileges. Additionally, it works to revoke access privileges when a user is terminated. The process enables a centralized system where you have the ability to manage the workflow of user access privileges and entitlements, all in a single place for internal governance, auditing and for an external audit to review the user access controls. 

Submit your information and a technical representative will schedule a demo. 

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