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What are the Types of Nurses to Find in Top Medical Facilities?

The profession of nursing is associated with taking holistic care of a person who belongs to the community. Nurses are supposed to maintained and improve the health of a person and have a dedicated selfless approach to the work that they do they do. There are different types of nurses in a hospital setting. Find out about the types of nurses that you can find commonly in top medical facilities around the world, such as ProspectMedical.

1. General medicine nurses

Most of them are allotted at the ward section. The patients that they need to attend to mostly comprises of adults having complex ailments due to hereditary conditions or old age.

2. Cardiothoracic nurses

Lots of changes have been witnessed in the last few decades in this specialization, as has recently been observed by Mr. Sam Lee – the CEO of Prospect Medical Holdings. A cardiothoracic nurse has to monitor patients due for operative processes such as long transparent heart valve surgery heart transplants coronary artery bypass graft or any other major surgery for the lung and heart area.

3. Cardiac nurses

Such kinds of nurses have to deal with patients suffering from a wide range of conditions of the heart on the cardiovascular system under a cardiologist’s supervision. They have to be responsible for a patient’s Post-operative care. They have to use telemetry for cardiac monitoring purposes, stress test evaluation etc. Upon a patient’s recovery they have to carry out a proper health assessment and vascular monitoring.

4. Pediatric nurses

They have to deal with young patients who are mostly children suffering from one or more health problem. They need to attend to these patients follow the advice of doctors or surgeons and take care of the health of the children who are admitted in the facility for treatment purposes.

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