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Three Important Chimney Maintenance Tips that You Should Never Forget

One of the best parts about having a fireplace in your home is being able to cozy up beside a roaring fire in the winter. However, in order to make sure that things work as they should, maintenance of your chimney is also important. Here, we will look at some of the best chimney inspections Virginia Beach VA tips that must always be kept in mind.

Make sure your chimney is waterproof-

Moisture and the elements can cause major problems for your chimney. They might not just weaken the structural integrity of the chimney, but also cause mold, and thus, damage the walls as well as the flooring around the house. This is why waterproofing is important to make sure that it functions properly.

Make sure that the bricks and the mortar joints are not crumbling:

The bricks and mortar joints of your chimney play a significant part in helping avoid any water damage inside the house. They begin to crack and crumble over time, which causes moisture to enter your home. The act of repairing mortar is called chimney tuckpointing. If you notice your mortar crumbling and the bricks starting to get loose, it means that you need chimney tuckpointing. It is best for you to get a waterproofing sealant for your air duct cleaning Virginia Beach VA. This is going to keep the mortar and bricks protected from moisture.

Make sure the insides of your fireplace are dusted well:

You can reduce the need for problems in the fireplace by cleaning the insides of your fireplace on a regular basis. Generally, most chimney problems are caused by roots and ash. However, if you dust them regularly, it will prevent them from forming in the first place. How often you dust is going to depend on how often you are using the fireplace. If you are using it every single day, you should try to clean up weekly.

If you are looking for the best fireplace inspections or the best chimney repair service, you can get in touch with vent cleaning Virginia Beach for the best services in the Tidewater area.

They have a strong reputation in the area, and they can provide you with the most quality services, due to their thirty years of experience.

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