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The Best Way To Clean A Chimney

Chimneys are an important part of any home, and they play a significant role in heating and cooling your home. However, like most things in life, chimneys need to be cleaned from time to time. In this article, we’re going to teach you the best way to clean a chimney using some simple steps.

Chimney cleaning Virginia Beach VA

What Causes Chimney Smoke?

Chimneys are designed to carry heat and smoke from a fireplace up into the roof of a building. The smoke from the fire travels up the chimney and is drawn into the flue, where it is expelled through the top of the chimney. The flue is a narrow opening that runs through the middle of the chimney and connects both the top of the chimney and the fireplace.

The Chimneys Act of 1892 requires all chimneys in dwellings used for residential purposes to be properly cleaned at least once a year. In order to clean a chimney, you will need access to a ladder or scaffold, a bucket, brush, and soapy water. First, check to see if any flue tiles or mortar are loose or missing. If so, fix them with a brick or mortar mix. Next, sweep away debris and ash using a brush. Pour soapy water into the bucket and use it to scrub the walls and bottom of the chimney. Finally, use a ladder or scaffold to clean any high parts of the chimney.

How to Clean a Chimney

Chimneys can be a challenge to clean. Here are some tips to help make the process easier:

-Use a chimney sweep: A professional who uses a chimney sweep is the best way to clean a chimney. This is because they have the equipment and expertise to get into tight spaces and clean all the crevices.

-Using an oven cleaner: Oven cleaners are effective at cleaning masonry surfaces, so using one as a substitute for a Chimney sweep can be effective. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and wear gloves and eye protection when using this type of cleaner.

– Using a fireplace hose: Hosing down the chimney with water can help loosen any debris that may be stuck in the crevices. Be sure to use caution when doing this, as water can quickly turn icy cold on colder days.


Chimneys can be a great addition to any property, but they can also be a challenge to keep clean. Unless you have the time and expertise to clean a chimney on your own, it’s important to enlist the help of a professional. There are many different ways that professionals can get your chimney cleaned, and the best way for you to choose depends on the specifics of your situation.

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