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Raised Bed Gardens Make You Happier

For many people, one of the biggest benefits of getting an organic garden that is actually up off the ground is not to worry about watering. Sure, this means you have to get some digging involved to create your raised bed, but luckily for us all, a lot of tools are available nowadays that make creating your own raised bed easy and much less time-consuming.


Why do raised beds to grow better?


Raised bed gardens are becoming more popular as people become more environmentally conscious. They’re also becoming more trendy because they allow you to garden in small spaces and provide a step up in class from typical gardening methods like rows of flowers or vegetables. But what are the benefits of raised bed gardens?


One big benefit is that they use less water. In traditional gardens, water is spread on the ground to help plants grow. But in a raised bed garden, Raised Garden Bed the water is held in the soil and used by the plants themselves. This means less water needs to be used, which reduces your ecological impact.


Another reason raised bed gardens are so efficient at using water is that they allow for deep root systems. Traditional gardens use shallow roots, which means that when it rains, the water quickly seeps down into the ground and gutters away. Deep-rooted plants can help hold onto more of the rainwater, reducing wasted water runoff.


Finally, raised bed gardens are great for organic gardening because they keep pests and diseases at a distance. Since most of the moisture and nutrients are retained within the soil, pests and diseases have a harder time spreading. And since there’s no need to irrigate,


What is a raised bed?


A raised bed garden is a garden that is built on a bed of stones, logs, or compost heaped 4-6 inches high. This type of garden is perfect for smaller spaces because the beds are so compact. Not only do they require much less work than traditional gardens, but they’re also super handy if you have a small backyard or limited space. Plus, they’re beautiful and Functional!


Types of beds


There’s a lot of debate about what type of garden bed to create, and the answer may come down to personal preference. However, there are some general rules that can help in your decision-making process. 


One type of bed that’s gaining popularity is the raised bed. This type of garden bed is made from large blocks of soil that are at least two feet tall and four feet wide. The height allows for taller plants to grow, and the width allows for more room to manoeuvre around. The downside to this type of bed is that it requires a lot of space to create. Another option is the hoop house, which is similar to a raised bed but has a smaller footprint. It’s perfect for small gardens or yards with limited space. 


Whatever kind of garden bed you choose, make sure you have the space for it and plan your layout accordingly. You’ll be happier with the end result!


Benefits of having your own garden in the city


Raised bed gardens can be found all over the world, and for many, they offer a sense of calm and peace. Whether you have a tiny balcony or an entire yard to work with, there are many benefits to having your own garden. Here are five of the top reasons why raised bed gardens make you happier than you’d imagine:


  1. They’re Intergenerational


Kids love to help out in the garden, and they get a real feeling of accomplishment when they see their efforts paying off. Not only that but having a garden increases your sense of connection to nature. Grandparents can also take part in the gardening process, passing down vital gardening knowledge to the next generation.


  1. They Reduce Stress Levels


Gardening is not just for people who love spending time outdoors – it can be therapeutic too. Gardening has been shown to reduce stress levels by reducing levels of cortisol in the body. If you’re prone to high levels of stress, then having your own garden is a great way to reduce those feelings. Plus, if you haven’t gardened in years, now is a great time to start – there’s no better way to get your groove back than through tending to your own


Choosing a Gardening Location and Tools


Raised bed gardens are a great way to create your own organic garden. You can get started with a small raised bed, or you can enlarge it as your gardening skills improve. Here are four tips for choosing the right gardening location and tools for a raised bed garden

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