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Five Creative Uses of Ozonated Oils

Ozonated oils aren’t just for your face! People have used ozonated oil for everything over the years, from cystic acne to wounds in cats. Ozonated skincare products were initially drawn because of their anti-aging qualities. However, we discovered that they are much more than beauty treatments. A little jar of olive oil ozonated has been proven to be a very effective treatment for many skin problems. These are just a few creative uses for ozonated oil.

Razor Burns and Bumps

Ozonated olive oils are an excellent treatment for razor bumps and other skin conditions. Apply a little ozonated oil to the area you want to shave. Repeat this process every day after taking a bath. This oil is used every day by me. It has eliminated the stubborn red itchy razor bumps underarms/bikini. This oil is also great for after-shave treatments for men’s faces and necks.

Natural Deodorant

Olive oil is a natural deo because it has powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Apply a small amount of ozonated oil to your underarms. The oil kills the bacteria that causes sweat to smell. You won’t get a sweaty, oily mess. You can easily absorb a small amount of ozonated oils into your skin.

Pet injuries

Ozonated oils are a great option for wound healing. They can be used in a medical setting, but they are completely non-toxic. This is particularly important for pets, who are more likely to lick their wounds and eat whatever you give them. Our family cat, a member of the household, walked into our house one day with a severe injury to her leg. The wound was cleaned and treated with an ample amount of ozonated oil. The gash was closed the next day with only a slight scab. Ozonated oils are a great all-around pet salve.

Diaper Rash

One year ago, I gifted an ozonated olive tin to a friend as a gift for her baby shower. The note read “for all the things”. Today she calls it her “only sauce to rule them all”. She massages a small amount daily on the diaper area to prevent diaper rash. The oil softens and moisturizes the skin, preventing friction from the diaper, reducing redness, and fighting microbes. Aloe vera gel, oatmeal, and other natural remedies can be used to treat diaper rashes. Ozonated olive oils last longer and work faster than other natural remedies for diaper rashes (like aloe vera, oatmeal, etc.).

Although most of these tips are based on experiences with ozonated oil softgels, there are many creative ways to use castor, ozonated coconut, and hemp oils. Use your ozonated oils as inspiration!

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