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Are You Getting the Most From Your Bulk Varsity Jacket?

Here are five tips on how to get the most from your Leather Motorcycle Jacket and keep it looking new.


    • If your Bulk Varsity Jacket gets wet while you were out on a motorcycle ride, be sure to let it air dry. Do not use any type of heat source such as an electric heater or hair dryer etc. Using a clean towel, wipe off any excess water, dirt or debris that may have accumulated on your leather motorcycle jacket. Hang your jacket on a hanger or something similar to make sure it dries thoroughly and holds its shape.


    • Using a clean towel and some clean water, wipe down your jacket to remove any remaining dirt or road salt that may have accumulated on your jacket while out on your ride. Any road salt that is left behind will leave white stains on your leather jacket, and just as road salt eats through the ice on an icy road, over time it will do the same to your jacket.


    • At this point your next step should be to get some leather cleaner to apply to your leather motorcycle jacket. Using a clean soft cloth, begin applying the leather cleaner to your jacket. As you are cleaning, use small circular motions and be sure to clean your leather jacket thoroughly. Make sure to get into those hard to reach areas such as along the seams where there might zippers, in the armpit area, under the collar or anywhere that dirt and debris could build up. As you are cleaning your leather motorcycle jacket you will notice it starting to restore to its original look.


    • Once your jacket has been thoroughly cleaned, it’s time to apply your leather conditioner. There are different types of conditioner available, but a good quality conditioner is recommended. Again, using a soft cloth begin applying the conditioner to your leather jacket in small circular motions. Using this method helps penetrate your conditioner deeper into the pores of your jacket. It’s recommended you condition your leather motorcycle jacket at least once a year. If your jacket gets wet often or is exposed to the outdoor elements a lot, you may want to repeat this process more often.


  • Storing your leather motorcycle jacket is also important in keeping it looking new. If your leather jacket gets stored away for long periods of time, be sure to store it in a well ventilated area away from household heat sources and avoid storing it near any humidity or damp areas. Remember, your leather motorcycle jacket is made from animal skin, and like your skin it also needs to breathe. If you decide to keep your jacket covered while being stored, do not use any type of plastic. A thin towel or something similar that allows your jacket to breathe will work great.


Your leather jacket is an essential part of a safe and enjoyable motorcycle ride. Following these five easy tips will help you keep your leather motorcycle jacket looking healthy and as new as it was the day you brought it home.



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