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7 Tips to Optimize Your WordPress Website Speed

You’ve built your WordPress website and filled it with valuable content to attract potential clients, but if it doesn’t load quickly enough, you may end up losing them as they’ll assume your business isn’t legitimate and move on to the next site that loads faster. Luckily, there are ways to optimize your WordPress site so that it loads faster without sacrificing any functionality or design layout quality. This article will tell you seven of them so you can get started right away.

How To Improve The Speed Of My WordPress Website?

  • Optimize Your WordPress Database

The database is a crucial aspect of any website. It holds a substantial amount of data that keeps your website running smoothly. But not all the data is required when using WordPress. Getting rid of these data would enhance the speed of the website. Make use of WordPress plugins to better optimize the database. These plugins will enable you to remove unessential tags, revisions and posts with just a click. 

  • Decrease load time by compressing images

One of the easiest ways that directly impact the load time of your WordPress website is by image compression. It can be done in several ways. 

You can either reduce the size of the image to an extract that does not affect the quality of the image. To do so, you can either use any image editing tools or WordPress image optimizer plugins. The latter one is most utilized by the wordpress development service to optimize images without affecting the image’s quality.

  • Eliminate unused plugins

Decluttering the plugins would enable you to recognize and eliminate all the plugins that are no more in use. This way, you would contribute to reducing the size of the website and, thereby, the speed.

  • Remove Render Blocking Javascript and CSS

The animation and the popups added by the javascript, which are unnecessary until the website fully loads, contribute to the website’s lazy loading. These render-blocking codes, when loaded after the website is fully loaded, do not harm the speed of the website.

So it becomes inevitable to block these codes from loading the webpage is loaded and not either way around. You would also find this suggestion often in the Google Pagespeed Insights.

  • Use the Fast Theme

Just as the plugins play and crucial part in the website’s speed, so do the themes. Just as you optimize various tiny aspects of the website, do not forget to optimize the theme.

The loophole in the theme often lines in the code. Some themes may look stunning, but the code is terrible. Using such a theme on your website would affect the speed of the website.

Does this mean I have to switch to using simpler themes? Is there no way I can use the themes that offer great functionalities just by anticipating that it might hurt the website’s speed if it is badly coded? That is when the plugins come to it.

The WordPress development service provider uses outstanding plugins to provide your website with your desired top-notch functionalities without affecting the site speed.

  • Update your WordPress website regularly.

Website maintenance and update is one of the important steps. It not only lets the website stay relevant with the technological advancement but also provides an opportunity to recognize the bugs and fix them. The WordPress website updated also includes updates of themes and plugins.

A website that is not up-to-date gets not only slow with time but also becomes vulnerable to security risks.

  • Revise your media library and add updates.

When one talks about the increase in the WordPress website speed, it is all about themes and plugins, but that is not it. As the website grows, with it grows its media library. With all those added documents, files and images, the speed is affected substantially. In such a case optimizing the images won’t make much difference. Decluttering the library includes deleting the files either manually or with the help of plugins.

Wrapping up

For any business, having a website is not enough. The user experience of that website matters the most. The most critical aspect that affects the user experience of site speed. This makes it inevitable to enhance the site’s loading speed to positively impact the visitors. The above tips will help you gain a great loading speed for your WordPress website.

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