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Know about Overweight Disorder and Causes

Obesity can be defined as a medical disorder in which a body accumulates excessive fat to the extent of hindering the normal functioning of an individual. The fat is accumulated all over the body but it in most cases it is concentrated in the abdomen, thighs, and chin. There are several stages of being overweight with each stage being progressively worse than the previous one. Though the medical terms define pre-obesity as a BMI between 25 and 30 and obesity by a BMI of 30 or more, in broader sense, any person unable to perform his daily activity without assistance, due to weight issues is termed as Obese. It is as much a medical concern as it is a psychological issue.

The menace of obesity has not happened overnight. The society saw it coming for the past several decades but could not act against the same as the growing middle class which is most badly affected was busy, ironically, in having a better life style and abundance of food. The society, generally speaking, was not overweight and any extra weight around the waist area was looked down upon.

However, with rapid urbanization came greater income for the middle class which led to a higher calorie intake. Unfortunately, this calorie was not from any healthy source, it was mostly from processed food and junk food which hit the American society of the 60’s and 70’s like a bolt of lightning. It was and continues to remain a common practice for the entire family to work just to support a lavish lifestyle and coalesce over dinner which is once again a highly processed food loaded with grease and calories.

A research shows that the junk food at the fast restaurants is loaded with fat, salt, and sugar which are known to be the leading cause of obesity in individuals. In fact, in most cases the nutrition value is practically zero and the food though tasting divine is actually a health hazard! An individual suffering from obesity suffers from drowsiness, hairloss, confidence erosion, and rheumatic pain due to excessive weight on the joints, diabetes, poor physical hygiene and a constant craving to consume fatty foods.

A recent study shows that the fat, salt, and sugar present in the fast food trigger the nerves connecting the tongue to the brain, and thus the brain subconsciously craves more and more for the food loaded with these ingredients. Therefore, an individual suffering from obesity knowingly or unknowingly continues to crave for the same food, which is actually the real cause of the obesity.

Obesity can be controlled and it is not a very serious disorder. It is quite possible to get rid of the bulging waist if the rudimentary lifestyle is shunned for a day filled with exercise, positive attitude, and above all regulated food intake. It is advisable to reduce the sodium intake in the food and thus cut down on a major cause of obesity.

Though doctors have suggested bariatric surgery to get rid of the excess weight. However, it is advisable and also scientifically proven, that the weight lost naturally is the most appropriate way to get rid of this menace called Obesity. Going under the knife is not a long term solution and could eventually do more harm than good.

Read More about Overweight causes and home remedies for weight loss.


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