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Can Fatigue During Pregnancy Impact Your Baby?

With pregnancy comes excitement and joy. Not only that! You will be undergoing a lot of physical changes as you progress with your pregnancy – You might gain weight, swell as well as feel tired. Let us tell you that, with the massive changes taking place in your body, it is quite normal for you to feel tired.

What are the reasons for your feeling tired during pregnancy?

As you progress with your pregnancy, it is natural for you to feel tired. Here are a few reasons behind it:

  • Pregnancy hormones are working overtime to bring about changes in your body as well as to make you feel tired.
  • Placental creation in the early stage of your pregnancy
  • Sleep disruption during pregnancy
  • Mood swings and anxiety during pregnancy
  • More weight during pregnancy
  • Backache
  • Low blood pressure

Can Fatigue affect your pregnancy and developing baby?

The first trimester of your pregnancy is the most common time for you to feel tired. However, by the time you reach the third trimester, the weight of your little one inside you will make you feel more tired.

Fatigue in the First Trimester

The soaring progesterone hormones are responsible for creating the placenta (The placenta nourishes the baby with all-essential nutrients and much–needed oxygen and removes the waste material). During this time, uncontrolled blood pressure, sugar, and anxiety can weigh you down heavily. However, since most symptoms in the first trimester fade away by the time you step into the second trimester, you might feel as energised as you were during your pre-pregnancy days.

Fatigue in the third trimester

As you reach the third trimester of your pregnancy, due to the extra weight of the life inside you, it will be difficult for you to get a peaceful slumber and your movement might also become, thus making you feel tired.

How to can you cope with your fatigue during your pregnancy?

A sudden onset of fatigue in pregnancy along with gestational diabetes, anemia, and depression may not make pregnancy complicated. But to cope with pregnancy fatigue here are a few things that you can do:

Do some exercise

From performing prenatal yoga to going for daily walks, you can do light exercises on a daily basis to keep up your energy levels. This will also induce proper and peaceful sleep in you.

Eat healthy and right

Include fruits and veggies in the right amount and break them down into small portions to keep you energised.

Start communicating

Talk to your family or your colleagues at your workplace to release your stress. Don’t forget to reschedule the daily tasks that you can do absolutely on your own.

Listen to your body

In between the delirium of the day, a 20-minute power nap can do wonders for your body.

Do not let fatigue damper your pregnancy journey. With these simple solutions, you keep up your energy level and can enjoy your pregnancy fully.

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